Thuvakkam – Be The Change

Newsletter Edition: Vol 4. Issue 05 – May 2023

Hey there,

To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often

Thuvakkam is well known for “be the change you wish to see” and has constantly changed improvised and sustainably brought changes to the society by making earth a better place to live.

The team has never taken a pause and the month of April is no exception to its aid. Starting from the making of seed balls followed by the plantation and its maintenance in our Urban forest the team goes green. In addition to this, many more feathers on the cap have organised painting events and dress distributions. 

Read further for much more!

Investing in our Planet

Earth is what we all have in common and thus preserving it together is not a work but a duty. Earth day, celebrated on April 22nd since 1970 was founded by the leading figure in the ‘fight to protect environment’ famous environmentalist former Wisconsin Sen. Gaylord Nelson. Thuvakkam has been a part of such a significant day, focusing on the theme ‘Investing in our planet’. This 53rd earth day has marked itself as a double success for our team with conducting 2 events for the betterment of our environment.

20+ volunteers joined us from RR Donnelley at the Buckingham canal (Indra Nagar MRTS) urban forest. The time was well spent in investing in the planet. Beginning with the orientation, the volunteers were engaged in the maintenance activities. Unwanted weeds were removed and manure for the benefit of the plants were added. 20+ volunteers inclusive of 3 kids enthusiastically participated and made the event a great success.

Second on the big day was the plantation drive at Perambur urban forest. TheMathCompany volunteers planted 80+ saplings with the guidance of the team. Beginning with a demo, the plantation drive began. The volunteers continued on to add manure to the plants. The event was a success with the acknowledgement of the volunteers, as they had given an opportunity to invest in the planet.

Change Created – April 2023


Total no of lives Impacted


Total hours of events


Total sq ft of walls revamped


Total no of lives benefitted


Total No. of corporates involved


Total no.of events


Total volunteering Hours


Total no. of plants planted  


Total no.of Seedballs made 


Total No. of volunteers


Total no. of plants maintained 


Total no.of people benefited through humanity initiative

Spotlight of the Month

A colourful transformation!

The Anganwadi at MGR Cantonment school campus with 60 kids was completely revamped by a team of 20 DLF volunteers along with Social Lens. The Anganwadi had a very interesting method and system of learning which was 10 months of learning and 2 months of break where each month was designed with a different topic to learn. Respecting the system and understanding the complete syllabus of those kids the walls were creative and informatively painted. The 1,100+ sq.ft walls were divided into 10 parts, each part was painted in such a way that it depicts each topic in their syllabus as vegetables, seasons, modes of transportation, animals etc., It almost took 4 hours for the team to accomplish the task but the happiness that the kids felt seeing the art work made everything possible.

The visual learning will enable the children to better enjoy their learning environment with better understanding. 

Join us to do more and let us become the change!

To join as our volunteer-

Change Moments Captured

Wall of Praise

“Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts”

                                                                                                                    ~ Henri Fredric Amiel

Karthik Shivaa

“Much appreciation for the hard work put in designing the Annual report. The efforts and execution has resulted in an easy to understand yet in depth report.”

~Thuvakkam team

Dinesh Babu, Suriya, Paul

“Thank you so much for your timely support in the submission of green champion awards 2023 documents

~ Jeba Rupavathi 

Change Activist



Volunteer of the Month

April 2023

Change Crusader



Coordinator of the Month

April 2023