Let’s start the change with oneself…
By Varsha Yadav
Many a times we come across the idea of changing things around us, in order to make this world a better place. Right from how our Government should work to how one of our colleagues should not throw garbage at public places. But we always tend to forget that to bring even a slight change to the world, the change should be initiated within oneself. In order to make this world a better place to live and pass on to our future generations, we need to start contributing at individual levels and not wait for the Government or people around us to take the first step. To promote this thought, Thuvakkam and its team took a step forward to create awareness about this thought of “Being the Change one wishes to see”.

Thuvakkam took an initiative of conducting an event “The Kural Conclave” on 24th August 2019 to promote the idea “Be the change”. To make this event successful the team of Thuvakkam worked hard on promoting the event over different social media platforms as well as in different colleges. To influence the thoughts for the young minds, speakers were called to talk upon different topics. Mr. Bharathi Tamizhan, an online editor at The Hindu, spoke about how journalism not only at professional levels but even at an inexpert level be it photographs, articles, letters or reports can bring a huge change in the minds of people. The second speaker, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Ismail, Director at Ecoscience research foundation spoke about how through minor changes in life we can make this world a better place to live. He also emphasized on how this nature is in itself enough to fulfil human needs and its exploitation can be avoided through smalls changes in our daily-to-daily lifestyle. The last speaker Mr. Sandhiyan Thilagavathy, Founder and President of AWARE talked about the evils of sexual abuse in India. She also talked about the increase in domestic violence and how small changes can help us fight with this rampantly occurring evils in our society.
The main aim of this event was to educate and throw light on the thought of how changing oneself at a very small level creates ripples and can make a huge change in long term. For this Thuvakkam focused on the young undergraduate college students and made sure that they attended this event. In today’s world where a lot of Natural as well as Human exploitation is taking place, an event like this was a step to educate the youth of the county to take one step at a time on their own and BE THE CHANGE THEY WANT TO SEE.
About Author,
Hi! I am Varsha Yadav, pursuing my Master’s degree in Business Administration. I am an extrovert and love to meet new people and explore things around me. Some of my avid interests include Singing, Dancing, and reading books. I am really thankful for the opportunity to volunteer with your organization and eagerly looking forward to learning and contributing more.